Contact Mechanics International Sympossium,  May 13-15 2020, Lausanne: deadline January 15th 2020

A kind reminder that the dead-line for the abstract submission is getting closer for the Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS2020), which will take place May 13 – 15, 2020, near Geneva, Switzerland.

Abstract submission is open until January 15th 2020

For more details and for submitting your abstract, please visit our website:

We will be delighted to host you in Lavaux. The Symposium will offer intense discussions in a broad range of topics within theoretical, computational and experimental contact mechanics.

Please feel free to contact us regarding any queries.

Wishing you our kind regards

Organisation committee
JF Molinari, EPFL
Brice Lecampion, EPFL
Guillaume Anciaux, EPFL
Emma Sorrentino (CMIS2020 admin)