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NAFEMS (1990) | Angleterre | International Association for the Engineering Analysis Community |
CISM (1968) | Italie | International Centre for Mechanical Sciences |
ECCOMAS | Espagne | European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences |
EUROMECH (1978) | France | European Mechanics Society |
IACM (1984) | Espagne | International Association for Computational Mechanics |
IAVSD (1977) | République tchèque | International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics |
ICA (1998) | Etats-Unis | International Commission for Acoustics |
ICHMT (1972) | Turquie | International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer |
ICR (1974) | Slovénie | International Committee on Rheology |
IIAV (1997) | Etats-Unis | International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration |
ISIMM (1978) | Autriche | International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics |