Category Archives : Evénements

Les événements à venir

The 3 rd International conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP’18)

Dear colleague, We announce the international conference ICOMP’18. After the success of the last editions held in Saint-Etienne, France in September 2014, in Liège, Belgium on May 2016,  the 3rd International conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP’18) will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 5-7 september 2018. The 3 rd International conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP’18),  will […]

Journées Scientifiques et Techniques de Bordeaux : 13 mars 2018 : END-CND des joints collés

                                                                              9h00-9h30 – Besoin et Activité ArianeGroup sur les problématiques de contrôle de collages structuraux. David BARNONCEL, Ariane Group, Saint-Médard-En-Jalles (33) 9h30-10h00 – Contrôle d’assemblages collés par imagerie THz. Thierry ANTONINI, Térahertz Waves Technologies, Montpellier (34) 10h00-10h30 – Conception d’un procédé de contrôle non-destructif d’un assemblage collé par ultrasons non-linéaires. Guillemette RIBAY, CEA List, Gif-sur-Yvette […]

Journées Scientifiques et Techniques de Bordeaux : 12 mars 2018 : END-CND des composites

                                                                              9h15-9h30 – Accueil par Guy LARNAC, Ariane Group 9h30-10h10 – Conférence plénière : titre et intervenant à venir 10h10-10h40 – Method for the estimation of in plane thermal diffusivity fields on heterogeneous and anisotropic materials by infrared thermography. Christophe PRADERE, I2M Univ. de Bordeaux, Talence (33). 10h40-11h10 – Pause café près des stands 11h10-11h40 – […]

9th Contact Mechanics International Symposium 2018 – May 16 – 18, 2018, Sanctuary of Oropa – Biella, Italy

Deadline for abstract submission: January 19, 2018. CMIS 2018 : Flyer: Flyer_cmis2018 We would like to inform you that abstract submission for the Symposium is now opened untill January 19, 2018. We would appreciate your participation to the Symposium which is the opportunity to gather every two years the contact mechanics community. As usual, […]