Author Archives : Nathalie Kasprzak

PostDoc position in multi-scale computational mechanics to study the impact failure of composites, CM3, Liège

Context As part of a collaborative project between different Belgian industrial partners and Universities related to the study of composite laminate under impacts, the main objective of the doctoral position will be to develop a multi-scale numerical framework to study failure of the synthesized materials. PhD or Post-Doc opportunity The doctoral project will be supervised […]

PhD position in the context of “Data-driven Multi-scale Optimisation for Additive Manufacturing of fatigue resistant shock-absorbing MetaMaterials”, CM3, Liège

Context As part of a collaborative FET-Open H2020 project between different universities and a SME, there exist open PhD and Post-Doc positions is the context of Experimental characterisation of SLS printed structures ; Models development of SLS process and constitutive behaviours Developments of homogenisation methods and surrogate models (e.g. machine learning etc.) Opportunity One PhD […]

CSMA Juniors – dernières informations

3e Workshop CSMA Juniors, 11 au 13 mai 2019 à Giens PROGRAMME_workshop2019 Bilan_workshop2019 Galerie Photo La section CSMA Juniors de jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs de l’association CSMA organisera son 3e Workshop en amont du 14e Colloque National en Calcul de Structures. Il aura lieu cette année dans le centre IGESA situé sur l’Ile de Porquerolles, et sur deux jours (du […]

Sujet de thèse à l’École Polytechnique & Inria: “Many-Scale Modeling of Lung Poromechanics”

Context & Objectives The lungs are the primary organs of the respiratory system in humans and many animals, responsible for molecular exchanges between external air and internal blood through mechanical ventilation. It has an extraordinary complex architecture, with the inherent fractal structure of the bronchial and blood vessel trees, as well as the hierarchical structure […]