Dear colleague,
We are glad to announce that the ECCOMAS YOUNG INVESTIGATOR CONFERENCE 2017 – YIC2017 will take place on September 13-15, 2017 in Milano, Italy. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano.
The main objective of YIC2017 is to provide a venue where young investigators can exchange ideas and discuss on latest research results in the areas of computational science and engineering.
Previous YIC were held in Aveiro, Portugal (2012), Bordeaux, France (2013) and Aachen, Germany (2015).
Submission of abstracts is now open. Authors are invited to submit a two-page abstract before January 31, 2017. Registration and submission of abstracts should be performed online. Detailed information is available on the website. Conference Secretariat can be contacted for any question.
We look forward to welcoming you in Milano, Italy, in September 2017!
Best Regards,
Massimiliano Cremonesi