Archives du jour : 5 mars 2018

Offre de poste à l’Ecole des Mines de Paris

L’Ecole des Mines de Paris ouvre un poste de chargé de recherches confirmé ou de professeur en Mécanique numérique des matériaux et des structures au Centre des Matériaux CNRS UMR7633 : Postulez avant le 26 avril 2018. Dear colleagues, Mines ParisTech opens an experienced researcher or professor position in Computational Mechanics of Materials […]

The 3 rd International conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP’18)

Dear colleague, We announce the international conference ICOMP’18. After the success of the last editions held in Saint-Etienne, France in September 2014, in Liège, Belgium on May 2016,  the 3rd International conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP’18) will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 5-7 september 2018. The 3 rd International conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP’18),  will […]